About Us

We believe that Freedom is God’s idea. In fact, freedom without a moral compass will surely result in chaos and conflict. But individual freedom under the control of God’s wisdom and ways is truly an unstoppable force for good. And while we are limited in our power, the Spirit of God is limitless. When we form an alliance and come together around the unifying, God-given rights and principles that this nation was founded on, we will become an unstoppable force for freedom and fulfill America’s Promise.


Jimmy Page, President
8th Generation Son of the American Revolution
Business Entrepreneur
Author, Speaker
Unstoppable Leadership Trainer
Wellness Expert
American Patriot
Man of God


Impossible to stop. Unbeatable, unrelenting, tenacious, fiercely determined. Success is only a matter of time. Syn: Invincible. Unbeatable.


The power to choose, speak, and act without outside control and the use of compulsion, coercion, threat or force. Being free from confinement or physical restraint. Individual Freedom is restrained by self-control and grounded by principles. Free Will must be directed by virtue and defined by faith. True and lasting Freedom is built on an unchanging moral foundation. Syn. Independence. Liberty.


A close association of people or groups to advance the common interests or cause of the members. A connection based on common interest, ties, bond, or purpose where members agree to take personal responsibility and work together for a greater purpose. Syn: Union. Covenant. Pact.


To see the rapid expansion of freedom in every aspect of American Life.


To restore the culture, reignite the American Dream, and realize the American Promise.

“Those that give up freedom for safety deserve neither.”
– Benjamin Franklin

Reignite a passion for freedom

The willingness of every day Americans to eagerly give up individual freedoms in the name of safety and security is growing. This is due in large part to the belief that they are doing something virtuous by “sacrificing for the greater good”. Unfortunately, it always ends up as a “bad trade.” It’s a false choice; giving up individual, God-given freedoms to the government very rarely results in greater safety and security. We recognize and affirm that freedom is an unalienable right given by God.  We will remind people why freedom matters and why we are at our best when we are free. We are compelled to make every aspect of freedom attractive and inspire everyone to protect it.

Revitalize the Culture

We are concerned about the negativity, conflict, and lack of civility that is plaguing our national discourse and even dividing families and communities. Cancel culture and silencing opposing views is at the core of this conflict. The disregard for individual rights is increasing. We are dividing people into tribes based on characteristics and political ideology instead of uniting people around good character, virtue, common values, and an optimistic vision for the future. The struggle to recreate and redefine America is very real. The growing anti-American ideologies and narratives are a direct threat to our foundations of faith, family, and freedom. But a house divided against itself cannot stand; we must come together to re-establish our motto – E Pluribus Unum – out of many, one. In the end, we believe in the Providence of God and the timeless wisdom of the founding principles and values. And, we believe we can revitalize our culture to create unity, equality, opportunity, and justice for all.
“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”
– Abraham Lincoln
“From every mountainside, let freedom ring.”
– Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Deliver on the American Promise

We are leading a movement to unleash the unstoppable spirit of freedom in America, the only country in history to be founded on the truth that all men are created equal and given rights by their Creator – to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That is the promise of America. And while America remains the freest nation on earth, we have a lot of work to do to fulfill this promise. We can and must be honest about the past and willing to confront the challenges of the present. But we believe the original guiding principles for America are positive and set the stage for freedom, equality, and prosperity for all. We all must work to create a brighter future together.

For generations to come

Only a life well lived for the benefit and blessing of others is a life well lived. We are made to leave it better than we found it. To make a profound and lasting difference for others. Freedom must be passed on from generation to generation or it will be lost forever. This fight for freedom is about legacy. And we are determined to hand on the most free, moral, just, and prosperous nation in history to our posterity.

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”
– Ronald Reagan

“Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other."

- John Adams


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